Travel is back! Safe and enjoyable travel always requires a measure of careful planning but now, more than ever, is the time to practice practical risk mitigation by planning ahead and being prepared for any eventuality. Specific air and vehicle travel posts are forthcoming, but the following travel tips are good regardless of whether you are traveling by plane, train or automobile:
Plan Ahead & Mitigate Risk
Confirm COVID-19 Restrictions at your Destination
Always Bring Extra Masks
Practice Patience, Kindness, and Flexibility
Whether your plans involve a travel adventure or a holiday hang at home, we’ve got you covered from start to finish. Visit www.lsds.us to learn more about what LSDS can provide for you.
DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless Disclaimer: LSDS™ gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS™ (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.