Host: Stacy Mandock
Stacy provides support to the LSDS Risk Mitigation team as a program lead for collegiate travel and assists in doing the initial research for travel destinations and identifying potential concerns and/or risks before and during travel. Stacy is also the team lead for Research & Development and the LSDS Decision Line Egress Bags. Working with clients to make sure that they - and all their household - are ready to go at a moment's notice.
Guest: Terry Peters
Terry is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Leader Solutions Decisions Support (LSDS) which provides executive coaching to leaders of all levels and empowers and supports individuals and organizations with the skills and knowledge to achieve their professional vision. Terry has led leadership development forums with Amazon’s North American Customer Fulfillment, Global Engineering Services (GES), and has built a resident leadership academy for Riot Games. He is a 27-year Army Veteran and has numerous decorations and foreign awards for his service to the Nation.
On this Topic: Workplace collaboration is key to organizational success at all levels. Learn best practices to influence positive interactions and ensure your team members are engaged in all aspects of communication and change.
Key take-aways for Collaborating with the Uncollaborative discussion with Terry Peters
● Understand the topic and desired outcome of all projects and meetings.
○ Spending time prior to the meeting to get to know attendees, their priorities and their strengths is a valuable investment of time.
● Ensure all relevant people are in attendance
○ Ensuring that the right people are together matters. Strained relationships or a lack of understanding of who everyone is may be factors in initial collaboration.
○ Consider having subject matter experts deliver points of interested or framing information prior or at the onset of the meeting
● Work from a shared platform. This is essential for hybrid or remote environments.
● Shepherd and facilitate the conversation versus dominating the time and energy of the group
● Complete follow-up correspondence and communication as quickly after the collaboration session as possible if any clarification is needed.
● Celebrate the hard work done by your team
Other highlights in our podcast include:
- Techniques for when attendees are distracted or not engaged
- Challenges and factors that contribute to uncollaborative behavior