18 July 2019
Bus drivers’ union UVA is planning a nation-wide, 48-hour strike Thursday, July 18 –Friday, July 19.
It is unclear if the strike will affect bus routes in and around Buenos Aires, as a similar strike last week did not affect services in the capital city.
Possible Effects:
Increased security presence
Disrupted modes of transportation
Road blockages in areas of protest
Mitigating Factors to Apply:
Avoid all protests, demonstrations, and large crowds, which have the possibility of turning violent
Allow extra time for travel
Monitor local and social media for updates
Enroll in the Safe Traveler program (STEP) to receive warnings from the U.S. Embassy
DISCLAIMER and Hold Harmless
Disclaimer: LSDS gathers information from multiple sources and offers insight and perspective to travelers. Sources cannot be validated for accuracy in every instance. Travelers assume all risk associated with their travel and are responsible for the decisions associated with travel and for their own safety. Users of this reference document agree, to hold harmless LSDS (LLC) its employees and clients associated with any risk or injury incurred during travel.